On November 9, 2019, we officially opened our factory in Koszalin. We would like to thank all guests for coming.
On November 9, 2019, we officially opened our factory in Koszalin. We would like to thank all guests for coming.
Marcin Mucha, the owner of Fabryka Guzików "Mucha", has become a new investor in the "Koszalin" complex of the Słupsk Special Economic Zone (SSEZ). He plans a systematic development of the plant and an increase in employment.
On Wednesday (June 14), Marcin Mucha received the 26th permit to operate in the Koszalin subzone from the president of the Pomeranian Regional Development Agency (PARR), Mirosław Kamiński.
- Every day when we dress up, we do not realize that we are buttoning buttons made in Koszalin - underlines President Piotr Jedliński.
The company specializes in buttons for suits, shirts and coats, and cooperates with such giants of the clothing market as Reserved or Wólczanka. The owner of Button Factory "Mucha" has been looking for a place to build a 1000 m2 production plant for three years. He purchased a plot of 0.25 ha in the subzone. Within a year, he wants to build a hall with a modern machine park for PLN 2 million, with 15 new workplaces.
- We will increase production and then also employment - said Marcin Mucha, who also designs button patterns.
The president of Koszalin announced that contracts with three new investors will be signed soon. A tender was also announced for the armament of the second part of the subzone from the side of Lechicka Street, because "there are no more plots" in the north.
We are pleased to inform you that our activity is not limited to the production and sale of buttons. Our products are used, among others, by children in the School and Kindergarten Complex No. 9 in Bełchatów to learn mathematics with the help of buttons. Also members of the Button Games Enthusiasts Society use our products in tournaments .